Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok, so we went to see this on thursday night. I LOVED IT!!! It was really great and I loved how it felt so new and fresh. I'm not sure how much Marvel has been involved lately with their comic book heros movies....but if its because of them the difference...keep it coming!! Edward Norton...What can I say! One bit of hope...if they plan on doing an avengers better be the players who are launching all these huge movies. I mean now to think of someone other then Mr. Norton or RDJ playing the parts they have set...makes me worried!!

Also, saw Kung Fu Panda...very cute. Without Jack Black thou, it would have been horrible.

Friday night, went to see the Doobie Brothers and Chicago..OMG!!! That is by far the best I have seen Chicago play in years. And all the guys were there to boot! The Doobies rocked the house. It was a perfect pairing of bands.

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