Monday, January 31, 2011

Ah, a nice Sunday night date!

So here I sit in the after glow of going out again with a gentleman I have been seeing as of late. He is new to all of this but, wants it soo bad. Tonight was the first time we actually played. It was wonderful and fantastic!! He trusted me with telling me something very personal to him and I'm soo happy he did. I hope that was just a good sign in the promise of more things to come. He really is a great guy and someone that I could see myself having in my life. He has been proving that he wasn't us to have a vanilla life in as much as a BDSM life. It's going to take sometime for us to get the dance right but, with time and patients on both our parts, I think we can figure it out!

Promise always makes me hopeful... and if it doesn't work out, I know that there is someone I can find out there for me... For once, I can really see it being a possibility!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why do I have to be so smart sometimes?

So, tonight as I was lurking on another site, I saw something that had a familar look to it. I dug deeper into what I saw.. and low and behold if it isn't another profile for the man I had been seeing for like 6 months. I was LOLing because it was kind of funny. Just shows more and more how he so wasn't worth my time.

More and more, I tend to run into that. It's sad really. I'd like to think that the gene pool would have produced a better quality then I seem to keep running into. The longer I am single, the more and more I keep being sadden to think of all the women out there who can and do get taken advantage of, made fools of, and just in general think that being treated like SHIT is ok.

I'm thinking I need to find out if I can teach a class in.. Smelling bullshit from 20 feet. How to avoid men who are douchebags!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

So, it's been a long while since I last blogged... Not to much to say, status quo for me.

Same chit different day....
Men and the games they play....

Blah, blah, blah....

I've had it! I'm about done with all of it.. The lies, deception, the crap.

The I want a Mistress but, I can't make time for you....
I'm having a bad, hour, day, week... I can't see be around anyone right now....

Blah, blah, blah...

I think they all forget who is in control. Who makes the decision... If I say jump, I'm not asking can you.. I'm saying JUMP!

Now, I get it's a crazy time of the year for everyone but, seriously... You earn things from me....

When I give you my cell number, you can't just drop off a convo via text. Um, who is in control? That seems to be lost on submissive men I see. To many things seem to be lost on submissive men... And those things are adding up for me. Making me think twice about it all over again. I forgot why I walked away from all of this all those years ago. Funny, it's taken 1 yr for me to be reminded....